Travel agency


sightseeing tours and private walking tours

Historytrip s.r.o.

  • Spisová značka 145267 C, Městský soud v Praze
  • IČO: 28488318
  • Trade license - Operation of a travel agency and guide activities in the field of tourism
  • Day to day operations +420 776 829 897
  • Kateřina Vilímková +420 774 503 932
  • Do potoků 39, Lipany, 103 00 Praha

Contact Us

Meeting points

  • Mostecká ulice, Praha
  • Karlova ulice, Praha
  • Křižovatka Rytířská a Melantrichova
  • Pomník mistra Jana Husa - according to a phone agreement

WARNING: All of the cars are labelled by History Trip logo as well as our meeting points. Despite the fact that cars of other companies are of the same design, a quality of provided services might be different.

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